We provide a turnkey service for boiler steam drum manufacturing, including cutting, forming, welding, full NDE, stress relieving and CNC drilling.
Max. diameter: 8000mm
Max. thickness: 180mm
(Any metal that can be molded or welded is available)
Horizontal steam drums are our most popular heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) type. Gas or steam flows horizontally inside this steam drum, and water is heated inside the vertically arranged steam evaporator tubes.
Vertical Steam DrumVertical steam drums are specially used for limited construction space. Huadong Boiler provides vertical drum HRSG solutions for gas and oil operations, particularly in heavy oil areas.
Water Tube Steam DrumWaste Heat Steam DrumBoiler Steam DrumIndustrial Boiler DrumsHeat Recovery Steam Generator Drum (HRSG Drum)Utility Boiler DrumsWe have extensive expertise in welding skills for metal structural steel parts, and our team has the experience necessary to ensure the welding quality.
SprayingA sand-blast workshop and paint spaying workshop are used to spray and coat the boiler steam drums.
The boiler steam drum is the most important pressure vessel in industrial boilers for storing hot water and steam. In an industrial boiler pipe system, not all hot water can be fully evaporated into steam, but rather, a mixture of steam and hot water. Because saturated hot water needs more heat for conversion into steam, a boiler steam drum is a required piece of equipment. The steam drum separates hot water and steam, where the mixture still flows back for reheating through a down comer.
This client in Pakistan purchased some of our industrial boiler components for the construction of their steam boiler which will be applied in their sugar refinery. The components included a steam drum, boiler economizer, boiler fin, and tube. All of these products are designed and produced in accordance with ASMEI 2017 standards and amount to a total manufacturing tonnage of 318 tons.
Zhang Jiagang Huadong Boiler Co., Ltd.
Add: No.1, Dongli Road, Donglai, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province, China
Tel: +86-0512-58666196
Fax: +86-0512-58774453